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Want to be a Sales Director

Very nice to be approached by The ISM to write this blog on how I have arrived at this point. Current Interim Sales role at Mind Tools.…

How do you become a Sales Led Organisation

When talking to many Company Directors about their sales journey a number of issues become evident. Two of those greatest issues are selling solutions rather than products or services and becoming a marketing or sales-led…

Coaching Great Teams

As I watch my North London football team capitulate again and England narrowly lose to New Zealand in both forms of Rugby I think about leadership and team coaching.…

Sales Heavy Hitters vs Sales Leaders

During the last few years of downturn there has been much discussion about leadership, or lack of, and how this is impacting not only local markets but the global economy.…

Sales Outsourcing

Sections published in Independent Business – June 2006 Hertfordshire Edition This article briefly explores the question of whether companies should outsource their sales function and/or look outside their organisation for support with sales.…